Friday, June 10, 2011


Enter the single-player game and hit Enter. Type in a code from the list below and hit Enter again. If done correctly, "Cheat Enabled!" will flash on the screen.
Instant Win - allyourbasearebelongtous 
Instant Loss - somebodysetusupthebomb 
View map - iseedeadpeople 
Continue after death  - strengthandhonor 
Units do not need farms  - pointbreak 
Instant spell - thedudeabides 
Turn off Tech-Tree - synergy 
Turn off Victory - itvexesme 
Invulnerability - whosyourdaddy 
Gain # of Lumber - leafittome #
Lumber and Gold - greedisgood # 
Gold - keysersoze #
Level select - motherland [race] [level] 
Instant doom - iocainepowder 
Quick research - whoisjohngalt 
Research all upgrades - sharpandshiny 
Morning - riseandshine 
Infinite mana - thereisnospoon 
Daytime - daylightsavings 
Night - lightsout
Time Passes - daylightsavings
Fast Build - warpten  
No Trees - abrakadabra  
L10 Allied Units - ihavethepower  

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