Friday, June 10, 2011


To make the game sound like a lot of people talking, press enter and type in: soundchaosdebug
HEX INFO (Experienced Hexers Only)HP, MP skill points stats etc&
please always backup yoursavegame before u edit it.
The manual stated that all values of your character are in the save game and thus that is what i hacked
this is how.....
open your savegame(the file with XXXX.d2s,xxxx is your character name) using a hex editor. i am not showing the offset for different editors show it differently.
go in to your game. record all the values u want to edit eg. please remove all items from your body first!!!
str xx
dex xx
vit xx
eng xx
gold piece xxx
stamina xxx
this is how u edit stats
ok....convert the values u recorded into hex
eg. strength of 30 converted to hex value is 1E
in hex it would look like this. 00 xx 00 00 xx
xx is the value of the strength the next xx would be dex followed by vit and eng.
use the function find and type in xx 00 00 where xx is the current value.replace it with a value u want eg xx 00 00 00 into 64 00 00 00 (100 converted to hex value is 64).
so with all stats 100 it would look like this
64 00 00 00 64 00 00 00 64 00 00 00 64
(remember only 4 stats,str,dex,vit,eng
for stamina
it would be xx 00 00 00 xx
the first is the current value and the second the max value
for hp and mp it is different.
the value of hp mp and gold is recorded backwards in the file.
eg hp of 1000 in hex is 03 E8
but the game record it as E8 03
the first value is current and the second max
it would liik like this E8 03 00 E8 03 00
Mana point is just right behind hp.
gold piece follows behind. put all your gold in your stash first. then record and convert the value. eg gold of 99999 in hex is 01 86 9F
but instead record it as 9F 86 01.
a few bytes right after gold is the skill points.
it is a whole stretch of 00 00 00 00 00....if your character has no skill at all.
i do not know the order of the would be easier to see if you have 4-5 skill at level 1 so it would liik like this 01 01 01 00 00 01 etc... the skill u choose determines the slot.put in a value u want eg 0A which is 10. there is total of 30 skills.
please dont edit the value too high eg 255,ff as the higher the skill the more mana u will need. skills at level 255 will need hundreds or thousnsds of mana for 1 spell.
well this is it.

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